[inner_section id=”who-we”]
[title-with-text subheading=”We are an Association for the promotion, development,
participation and enjoyment of womens’ real tennis”]

We welcome everyone. We are proud of the tradition and history of our
sport in which integrity, teamwork and sportsmanship is paramount.
We strive to support women to be the best that they can and value the
opportunity to move the womens’ game forward. Our mission is to make
our game more accessible to more women at all levels throughout the UK.[/title-with-text]

[section id=”thumbnil”]
[inner-left][image-with-title title=”championships” link=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/events/” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CFtrophy_02.jpg”][/inner-left]
[inner-right][image-with-title title=”development” link=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/events/#junior” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/development.jpg”][/inner-right][/upper_images]

[bottom_images][inner-left][image-with-title title=”support” link=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/about-us/#list-section” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/balls.jpg”][/inner-left]
[inner-right][image-with-title title=”friendship” link=”https://www.instagram.com/ladiesrealtennis/” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/group-convert.jpg”][/inner-right][/bottom_images]

[right][image-with-title title=”news” link=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/news/” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/rackets_02.jpg”][/right]


[inner_section id=”what-do”]
[title-with-text title=”what we do” subheading=”We run a busy schedule of fixtures each year – “]
ladies tournaments for players of all levels with specific tournaments aimed
at the top players including the World Championships when they are held
in the UK.
We also organise many matches throughout the year against individual
clubs and associations which are great social occasions full of enjoyable
and competitive tennis.[/title-with-text]

[title-with-text subheading=”We play a vital role in the progress of ladies’ real tennis
in the United Kingdom – “]
and have representation on the Board and on the Tennis Committee of the
Tennis and Rackets Association (T&RA, the UK Governing Body). We are
also an affiliate member of the T&RA.[/title-with-text]

[inner_section id=”list-section”]
[list title=”We provide:”]

  • Representation on T&RA Board and on sub Committees
  • Liaison with International Clubs on issues relating to ladies’ tennis.
  • Junior support and initiatives
  • Support to the Dedanists’ Foundation ensuring initiatives by both organisations
    are mutually co-ordinated and supportive.
  • Specific rules governing LRTA tournaments

[inner_section id=”what-do”]

[title-with-text title=”where we are” subheading=”Real Tennis is played and supported by a wide variety of people all around the world. With new courts being built in the vicinity of schools and universities in the UK, a new generation of enthusiasts is coming through. It is enjoyed by people as young as eight through to players in their seventies and eighties.”]

There are currently 27 courts in the UK, where men and women play both singles and doubles. To stimulate growth within the game and to encourage players to compete against others outside their home club, a comprehensive national handicapping system has been implemented which allows players of varying abilities to compete on equal terms.
To find your nearest court and to find out more, please click here to the Tennis & Rackets Association website:
[title-with-text subheading=”Many of the clubs provide taster sessions for beginners and people new to the area. The club professionals are encouraging, friendly and provide a warm welcome.”]

[inner_section id=”who_are”]
[title-with-text title=”The committee” subheading=”We are an Association run by members for the
members “]

Successfully run by volunteers who put in an enormous amount of time and energy and who are passionate about the game. The committee meet quarterly and focus on fulfilling the objectives of the Association and setting the strategic direction to safeguard its future.

We set up sub committees, often consisting of non-committee members where specific areas or tasks need to be addressed and actioned. We always welcome feedback so please do get in touch if you have any views on how we can improve.[/title-with-text]


[title-with-text title=”Members of the LRTA
Executive Committee:”][/title-with-text]

  • Katie Leppard – Chairman
  • Sarah Sullivan – Treasurer
  • Di Wilson – Membership Sec
  • Linda Fairbrother
  • Candida Nicholls
  • Juliette Lambert
  • Hannah Lucey
  • Jess Garside



[title-with-text title=”LRTA Club Representatives”][/title-with-text]

  • Provide a link between their lady club players and the LRTA
  • Encourage lady players to join the LRTA if they have not already done so
  • Organise ladies events at their club

[inner_section id=”downloads”]

[title-with-text title=”Downloads”][/title-with-text]

[download-box link=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Constitution.docx” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Constitution.png”][/download-box]

[download-box link=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Rules-for-LRTA-Tournaments.docx” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Tournament-Rules.png”][/download-box]

[download-box link=”#” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Tournament-Rules.png”][/download-box]

[download-box link=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Diversity-and-inclusion-policy-Transgender-policy.docx” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Transgender-policy.png”][/download-box]

[download-box link=”#” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/safety-Policy.png”][/download-box]

[download-box link=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/LRTA-Parental-and-Under-18-year-old-Consent-form.docx” image=”https://ladiesrealtennis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/parental-consent.png”][/download-box]


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